
Results: 6
Threat-Path Estimate-Based Watchword-Chunk Algorithm for Advanced Persistent Threat in the Cloud
In cloud computing, an advanced persistent threat (APT) is a cyber-attack that gains access to a network and remains undetected for some time. As well APTs have proven difficult to detect and protect, in the existing system they...
Published by: IGI Global
A Bio-Inspired Defensive Rumor Confinement Strategy in Online Social Networks
Online social networks (OSNs) are used to connect people and propagate information around the globe. Along with information propagation, rumors also penetrate across the OSNs in a massive order. Controlling the rumor propagation...
Published by: IGI Global
Time Series for Forecasting Stock Market Prices Based on Sentiment Analysis of Social Media
This paper attempts to find a relation between the public perception of a company and its stock value price. Since social media is a very powerful tool used by a lot of people to voice their opinions on the performance of a...
Published by: IGI Global
Novel 2-D Histogram-Based Soft Thresholding for Brain Tumor Detection and Image Compression
The objective of image compression is to extract meaningful clusters in a given image. Significant groups are possible with absolute threshold values. 1-D histogram-based multilevel thresholding is computationally complex and...
Published by: IGI Global
Time Series for Forecasting Stock Market Prices Based on Sentiment Analysis of Social Media
This paper attempts to find a relation between the public perception of a company and its stock value price. Since social media is a very powerful tool used by a lot of people to voice their opinions on the performance of a...
Published by: IGI Global
Sustainable Smart Aquaponics Farming Using IoT and Data Analytics
Traditional agriculture is facing numerous serious issues such as climate variation, population rise, water scarcity, soil degradation, and food security and many more. Though, Aquaponics is a promising solution, research on...
Published by: IGI Global